Brandon’s Commentary
I spent several years in prison between 16 and 24 yrs old. Now I am Dr. Brandon Warren, Director of Reentry Services and Adjunct Professor for a College-in-Prison program. I make commentary relevant to those affected by the criminal justice system, especially reentry issues, correctional education, critical thinking and philosophy.
![CT Ep. 20b: Logic: What is Logic?](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
![CT Ep. 20a: Logic: Self-Defeating Statements](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Here are examples of self-defeating statements:1. “There are no absolutes.”
2. “No one’s moral opinion is valid because we all speak from how we’ve been indoctrinated.”
3. “You can’t know anything for sure.”4. “No view of reality is superior to any other.”5. “No one has the right to say truth is external; we all create our own reality.”6. “There is no right; there is no wrong.”7. “You shouldn’t tell anybody they’re wrong.”8. “I can’t speak a word of English.”9. “Everything I say is a lie.”10. “All truth is relative.”11. “Language cannot convey meaning.”
![CT Ep. 19b: Ambiguous Words](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
The information in this video is somewhat of a repeat. I had a few more points to make about the meaning of words and didn't know where to include them. There are 4 distinctions mentioned:
1. Words can be CONCEPTUALLY ambiguous, meaning that the concepts are still debated. Conceptually ambiguous words include freedom, justice, racism, virtue, and equity.
2. Words can be CONTEXTUALLY ambiguous, meaning that the word itself is not up for debate but can have different meanings based on context. Contextually ambiguous words are words like trunk and bad.
3. Words have a DENOTATIVE aspect to their meaning. The denotative meaning, or "denotation", is the direct and literal meaning of a word as defined by a dictionary.
4. Words have a CONNOTATIVE aspect to their meaning. The connotative meaning, or connotation", is the implied or suggested meaning of a word based on emotional associations that are determined by factors like one's environment, community, culture, etc.
![CT Ep. 19a: Lexicography and Dictionary Definitions](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
![CT Ep. 18f: Meaning as Entailment](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
![CT Ep. 18e: Meaning as Value](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
![CT Ep. 18d: Meaning as Significance](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
![CT Ep. 18c: Meaning as Intention](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
![CT Ep. 18b: Meaning as Sense](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
![CT Ep. 18a: Meaning as Referent](
Sunday Oct 01, 2023